Unleash the Podcaster in You:

Bringing your wildest podcast dreams to life.

Book a Call to Start Our 5-Step Podcast  Plan Now!START YOUR PODCAST

Starting a podcast can be INTIMIDATING

Scared of Criticism

Scared of receiving criticisms
from friends and listeners that may damage your reputation and business?

No Time to Commit

Busy with work and you're concerned with the amount of time that you need to commit from production to promotion?

Will Not Gain Anything

Worried that the amount of effort and money that you'll spend won't generate any results for you or your business?

A Podcast
Production Agency

TPA Logo Black
The Podcast Army is a team of passionate members that are strategists in their own field especially when it comes to podcasting. We are driven to create and develop podcasts that entertain, educate, and inspire.

We're here to help you launch and scale your podcast, whether you have a fully formed concept or simply a flash of inspiration. Together, let's create some magic.

How Does Our 5-Step Plan Work?

Awareness Lightbulb


Determine the focus of your podcast and the niche you want to target
Structure Steps


Decide on the format and structure of the podcast
implementation working together


Choosing what equipment work for you and recording starts
syndication RSS


Uploading on hosting and distribution to different channels
Promotion lady with megaphone


Create a marketing strategy that best suit your podcast needs

The Founder

Meet our founder, RJ Buarao, the podcaster.
Her mission is to empower voices through podcasting.

RJ started her podcast because she wanted to gain back the confidence that she lost during the pandemic. Then after 2 seasons of her podcast, she realized it just didn't help with her self esteem and confidence, she can also use it as a lead magnet, connect with more people and empower lives.

And now, with her passion and dedication, she has established a successful podcast production agency that provides high-quality audio and video production services 
to businesses at the same time impacting lives.

As a single mom, our founder knows firsthand the challenges of balancing motherhood and a career. However, she has never let that stop her from pursuing her dreams. Instead, she has used her experiences to fuel her drive and determination to succeed.

Meet The Team


Podcast Launch
Podcast Launch
Conceptualization and Strategies for the Podcast
Podcast Post Production
Post Production
From sourcing guests to creating high audio quality to syndication
Podcast Management
Podcast Management
Making sure that everything runs smoothly and always on track

Book Your Call Now.

For inquiries, you can reach us through this booking link. Please make sure to answer the questions so we can properly serve you. Talk to you soon!
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